Meet the CIO Trustees

Sue Wilkinson | Chair

I’m originally from Durham and I arrived in Bromham 8 years ago from Lancashire to be closer to both my daughters and two granddaughters, who live in Corsham and Chippenham. Finding a perfect home in Bromham was such good fortune – and I still can’t quite believe it! Now with my 2-year-old Cockerpoo, Coco, I regularly walk the many footpaths and fields and continue to appreciate the surroundings of home. I have made sure that my daughters know full well that I will never leave Bromham willingly – they will be the ones making that decision!

Working for local authorities, my passion was for always doing my utmost to ensure that construction contractors provided the best possible solutions for the schools, and that the needs of teachers and children were fully met in new buildings. I led programmes rebuilding secondary schools in various parts of the country, before relocating to Bromham, and into a part-time role with the Diocese of Bristol Academies Trust. The two Wichelstowe schools were completed in 2019 and 2020 and can be readily seen if you take the Avebury route to the Swindon Outlet. They were a wonderful end to my career.

Now as a Trustee, I offer experience in construction procurement and project management. As I have made a number of successful bids for funding, I am happy to provide all the support I can. I’ve set up new schools, been a school governor and a chair of governors and I really hope I can be of help establishing our new Community Hub in Bromham.

Bromham Community Hub Trustee Sue Wilkinson

Kate White | Treasurer

I moved to Wiltshire over 40 years ago and like many in this area this was because my late husband was in the RAF stationed at Lyneham.

We originally lived in Chippenham as I worked in the Tax office there. In 1992 we moved to Bromham. I have always been very happy here and have tried to get involved in village life. Over the years I have been a member of Bromham Women’s Institute, the Church Flower arranging rota, the Social Centre Management Committee, originally treasurer and now Chairman of the Monday Club and lately I have become a Parish Councillor. I am now one of the five founder trustees of the Bromham Community Hub.

I was widowed in 2005 but remarried in 2021.

Before my retirement in 2015 I was the tax partner at Monahans Chartered Accountants, a practice with five offices and over 200 staff. I am a qualified Chartered Tax Advisor and a Trust and Estates Specialist. I therefore have a background in finance so was unanimously voted to be treasurer of the newly formed Bromham Community Hub!

Bromham Community Hub Trustee - Kate White

Peter Hindle | Secretary

We’ve lived in Bromham now for over 8 years, moving here just before I retired. We wanted not just to live in a village, but to be involved in village life, and that’s exactly what has happened. Very soon after we arrived, we sat next to Dennis Powney at a village event - without knowing who he was - and I remember him saying that Bromham was very welcoming to new comers who were willing to get involved.

In the October after we arrived, I saw an article in Inspire asking for volunteers to join the Carnival Committee, so with no idea what was involved I turned up at the AGM. Eight years later I’m now Chairman of the Carnival Committee.

At the outbreak of Covid I responded to the call for volunteers from Bromham Good Neighbours and found myself publishing a newsletter distributed to all of the village to let people know what help was available and how to access it. Several issues later that newsletter became The Bromham Hoot, which I continue to edit every two months.

I was elected to the Parish Council in April 2021, just before the Social Centre fire and have been involved with the rebuild ever since.

Most of my working life has been spent as a project manager in both the engineering and computer industries as well as some time in Marketing. I suppose the common theme through all my jobs has been as a problem solver, collecting and analysing information, making decisions based on data and always thinking “what could possibly go wrong?”. These are skills that I hope bring value to the process of getting Bromham Community Hub up and running and fit for the needs of the community for the next 50 years.

Bromham Community Hub Trustee - Peter Hindle

Ross Phillips

My wife, Cora, our young family (including noisy dog, Colin) and I moved into Bromham after the first lockdown lifted in 2020. We love Bromham, the people, the countryside, the school - everything about the place! Prior to moving we lived in Chippenham for 8 years.

Cora and I moved to Wiltshire when I started training as a solicitor with Goughs, where I am now a partner, based at our Melksham office. My practice area is family law. I love my job, the negotiations involved, the argument, going to Court, and getting the best possible outcome for my clients who are often going through a stressful time in their lives. My role includes mentoring and supervising others, running an office, chairing committees and being involved in driving the firm’s strategic aims.

As well as being a part of the Social Centre Rebuild Committee, where I assisted in pursuing the insurance claim right up to the point of nearly issuing proceedings, liaising with the litigation lawyers, gathering evidence and taking instructions from others, I have been a governor at St. Nicholas Primary School, Bromham, since 2021. I am proud to say I became Chair of Governors in September 2023 and I look forward to doing all I can with my fellow governors to drive the school forward to achieve it’s vision for the benefit of every child that attends.

I never knew the old Social Centre in its pomp pre-COVID years. But I aim to do all I can in the formative stages of Bromham Community Hub to make it a sustainable and commercial success which adds some form of value to every person in the community.

Bromham Community Hub Trustee - Ross Phillips